Through our close working relationship with Anicca Digital, we get asked to help their clients achieve all sorts of goals. In this case we were tasked with coming up with a new identity and new website design for an online retailer specialising in electrical goods for the home and business.Unlike most businesses which focus on either the consumer market of the B2B market, the client wanted to deal with both markets, selling small consumer devices and electrical accessories to the home owner and more technical equipment and electrical components to contractors. As such we had to create a new identity that was attractive and approachable for the picky consumer and suitably technical looking enough for the contractor market. Not a very easy balance to strike. On top of this we also had to create a new environment for their website which did the same thing. Tricky.
The final execution of the new identity kept things simple. The new logo visually veered more towards the consumer market in terms of overall look (as this was their biggest potential market, and aren't we all just consumers?) but kept things businesslike with a positive, fresh yet serious colour scheme, slate grey, kelly green and white. The mark we created ticked a lot of boxes. A combination of elements and themes, it contained an almost scandinavian or german flavour with hints of Keith Haring thrown in there for good measure (did you spot that?) and it's simple message was easily apparent from even a quick viewing. The overall effect was one that not only impressed the client but put a smile on our faces as well.
After we had successfully created the right identity, we then began creating a website design that would suit both the new identity and also perform well in the market they were aiming to sell into.
The new site design, just like the identity, was a huge success. Light, fresh and above all easy to navigate, the perfect look and feel for the new logo.